Archive for ‘Flat Earth [in English]’

11 agosto 2023

Bible says that Earth is Flat

Day two is the most overlooked day in creation week. It’s important to understand the home/setting that God created for Himself, the angels/spirits and for us. Join me as I explore the overall significance of day two, while also hinting at its eschatological implications nearing the end of the video.
The science is the exact opposite of the Bible.
12 Maggio 2023

Sorry Flat Earthers! Scientists use flight times to explain the shape of our planet – and say there’s no doubt it’s ROUND

This one if from the UK Daily Mail of 12 May, 2023 Click Here for the story.

Please note that these are just examples, and the actual flight times may vary depending on the airline, the aircraft, and the weather conditions.

Australian Airlines does not fly direct from Perth to Johannesburg. There are several possible stopovers, with the most common being Singapore and Dubai. The flight time will vary depending on the stopover, but it will typically take around 22-24 hours in total.

Here are some examples of possible itineraries:

* Perth – Singapore – Johannesburg (22 hours)

* Perth – Dubai – Johannesburg (24 hours)

* Perth – Doha – Johannesburg (23 hours)

Here is what I wrote AI. The AI I used gave three drafts, of which I only copied all three on the first response, the rest was just from its first response.



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There are no direct flights from Perth to Johannesburg on Australian Airlines. The airline offers flights with one or more stops, with the possible stopovers being:

* Singapore

* Hong Kong

* Dubai

* Doha

* Melbourne

* Sydney

The total flight time will vary depending on the stopovers, but it is typically around 22 hours and 35 minutes.

Here is an example of a possible itinerary with one stopover:

* Flight QF65 departs Perth at 11:00 AM and arrives in Singapore at 8:00 AM the next day.

* The flight has a layover of 10 hours and 30 minutes in Singapore.

* Flight QF71 departs Singapore at 6:30 PM and arrives in Johannesburg at 11:00 AM the following day.

The total flight time is 22 hours and 35 minutes.

The cost of the flight will also vary depending on the stopovers and the time of year. However, you can expect to pay around $1,355 for a round-trip ticket.

Australian Airlines does not offer direct flights from Perth to Johannesburg. The only option is to take a flight with one or more stops. The possible stopovers include:

* Singapore



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* Hong Kong

* Dubai

* Doha

* London

* Frankfurt

The total flight time will vary depending on the stopover city, but it will typically be around 22-24 hours.

Here are some examples of possible flight itineraries:

* Perth – Singapore – Johannesburg (14 hours + 6 hours = 20 hours)

* Perth – Hong Kong – Johannesburg (15 hours + 7 hours = 22 hours)

* Perth – Dubai – Johannesburg (17 hours + 5 hours = 22 hours)

* Perth – Doha – Johannesburg (18 hours + 4 hours = 22 hours)

* Perth – London – Johannesburg (21 hours + 3 hours = 24 hours)

* Perth – Frankfurt – Johannesburg (22 hours + 2 hours = 24 hours)

Please note that these are just examples, and the actual flight times may vary depending on the airline, the aircraft, and the weather conditions.

There is only one Port Louis that is near Africa. It is the capital of Mauritius, an island nation in the Indian Ocean, located off the eastern coast of Africa.

To take a flight from Perth Australia to the island of Mauritius, where would be the possible stopovers and how long will it take, approximately?

There are a few possible stopovers for a flight from Perth, Australia to the island of Mauritius. The most common stopovers are in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Dubai. The total flight time will vary depending on the stopover city, but it will typically be around 18-20 hours. ( )

27 aprile 2023

The World BEYOND THE ICE WALLS 7: Zerzura, Shangri-La and more islands in the Second Ring

Hello and welcome to a new Video on the world beyond the ice walls! This is episode 4 of the series where I cover everything on this gorge ous map, stylized by Ohawewee and his server (link: Today we will cover the land of Shangri La, the Continent of Zerzura, as well as more nearby islands in the second ring.

28 febbraio 2023

Flat Earth FAQ (New Eric Dubay Book!)

Flat Earth FAQ by Eric Dubay:
Flat Earth FAQ is the ultimate reference guide for concise, comprehensive answers to the most frequently asked flat Earth questions accompanied with detailed drawings, maps, memes, charts, and full-color photographs as helpful visual aids. Written by the President of the International Flat Earth Research Society and author of several other flat Earth books and documentaries, Eric Dubay recommends Flat Earth FAQ as both an ideal introduction to the subject for beginners, and a perfect coffee-table book for established flat earthers looking to tackle all the typical talking points.
26 novembre 2022

NASA Artemis Moon Mission Exposed

It has now been 50 years since NASA, otherwise known as Not A Space Agency or Never A Straight Answer allegedly sent six successful manned missions to the Moon. For these past five decades, skeptics and critical thinkers have completely exposed and debunked every aspect of these supposed Moon landings including their disappearing original Apollo video, audio and telemetry data, their fake photographs, fake Moon rocks, studio backdrops, studio props, studio lighting, studio wires, and edited videos. Thanks to mainstream media monopolies and heavy censorship, however, the majority of the population still believes men actually walked on the Moon. Now this week, in a bid to bedazzle a new generation of space junkies, NASA has allegedly sent another craft to the Moon, only this time the NASA Artemis mission is unmanned and won’t even land…

Home page of the Bill Kaysing Tribute Website.
23 ottobre 2022

Emergency Landing in Frankfurt Exposes Heliocentric Lies

Eddie Alencar proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the Earth is flat and stationary in this video. I want to thank him again for mentioning my biography of that great man who was Bill Kaysing.

3 ottobre 2022

Wake up Jarrah! It’s time to die!

Your round world is dying dude! Qantas has plenty of flights from and to Anchorage (Alaska). Why should Qantas keep a link between Australian metropolis to a town in the middle of nowhere near the North Pole? Because Alaska is a stop en route to North, Central and South America! The globe model is wrong.
Come on man, wake up!

Direct Flight from Brisbane (population 2,5 million) to Fairbanks (Alaska, population 32,000!)

15 settembre 2022

Jarrah White and the flight routes to Australia

Here is my reply to Jarrah.
20 luglio 2022

Gli infrarossi non mentono: la Terra è piana!

Un altro magnifico video di JTolan con telecamera a raggi infrarossi. La faccia della Terra è piatta, per migliaia di chilometri, come una faccia umana, eccetto i rilievi montuosi e altre fattezze orografiche.

Catena montuosa distante oltre 1500 km (in alto).
Ammettendo una quota di 10.000 metri e una distanza di 1500 km dall’osservatore, la catena montuosa sullo sfondo dovrebbe trovarsi affondata di oltre 100 km dietro la curvatura terrestre. Se ciò non avviene, è perché la Terra è piatta!
13 luglio 2022

Flat Earth: the next generation – Jenny Rose

“The next generation of flat earthers is here and I don’t think anyone but heliosexuals will be upset about it. Guest: Jenny Rose Pace”

22 giugno 2022

Conferenza FLAT EARTH: THE FINAL CUT rinviata al 27-28 agosto

A causa di problemi organizzativi, la conferenza TERRA PIATTA: IL TOCCO FINALE, prevista a Gospic (Croazia) il 2 e 3 luglio, è stata spostata a sabato 27 e domenica 28 agosto 2022. Ogni altro aspetto rimane invariato.

13 giugno 2022

Flat Earth is undeniable

All common sense reasoning indicates that the shape of the Earth is not spherical. A video full of evidence.

The four corners of the Earth.
29 Maggio 2022

Conferenza di Gospic: dialogo con Agostino Favari

Presentazione della conferenza FLAT EARTH: THE FINAL CUT (TERRA PIATTA: IL TOCCO FINALE) del 27 e 27 agosto 2022 (posticipata dal 2-3 luglio ’22). Buon ascolto!

5 Maggio 2022

Conferenza di Gospic: il programma completo

Ecco il programma della conferenza FLAT EARTH: THE FINAL CUT in programma in Croazia a Gospic il 27 e 28 agosto 2022.
Relatori saranno Martin Liedtke, Roxanne Glen, Dave Murphy e il sottoscritto.

Luciano Saurini ha preparato un pacchetto di 3 giorni-2 notti in partenza in pullman da Peschiera del Garda (VR), tutto incluso per euro 250,00 (trasporto, pasti e albergo, conferenza, visita museo Tesla e esperimenti sul campo in quota e sul mare a Karlobag). Partenza da Peschiera nel primo pomeriggio di venerdì 26 agosto e ritorno in tarda serata di domenica 28 agosto. Verificare se i propri documenti di identità, in originale, sono validi per l’espatrio. Pagamento anticipato tramite versamento su conto corrente bancario (per altri metodi chiedere a Luciano).

Lasco aperta la sezione commenti per chi vuole fare considerazioni o domande:

Mr Luciano Saurini, tel: +39 338 6637327 (+WhatsApp +Telegram)

20 aprile 2022

Nuclear Weapons Hoax

By Gina Flores

Editor at NoFakeNews

For many years we have been told nuclear weapons have been stockpiled by various superpower countries. We have all been exposed to the paradigm that promotes the idea that nuclear weapons have made the world a far safer place even though these horrific devices could theoretically wipe out millions of lives in a few seconds. We’ve been told nuclear weapons are a deterrent to other potentially dangerous enemies of the United States and its allies and that they ultimately prevent wars and allow peace on earth to flourish.

Is it possible that what we have been taught about this subject is based on establishment lies?

After it was developed, the atomic bomb was allegedly dropped on Japan twice in the 1940’s. The bombs reportedly brought a quick end to World War II. The technology was never used again in any war although the threat of nuclear weapons against humanity and the planet has been publicized ad nauseum.

The only other evidence of atomic weapons being used in history has come in the form of highly secretive government tests. All of these tests have had limited government witnesses and many have been conducted underground or underwater. All of these tests could have been performed with the use of conventional bombs. TNT could have been used to fabricate any A-Bomb test. And yes, conventional bombs can and do produce the classic mushroom clouds that we routinely associate with atomic bombs.

In addition, the continuous threat of nukes being detonated by terrorists has been so overplayed in Hollywood movie productions throughout the years that people are now programmed to believe it’s only a matter of time before one of these devices will be used against a highly populated city. Yet there have been zero nukes used by crazy terrorists anywhere in the world. This fact alone is more than a little strange.

There are anonymous government insiders who claim the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by conventional fire bombings and not by atomic weapons. There are some researchers who claim atomic bombs are impossible to manufacture.

The buildings that were left intact and the lack of radiation found in Hiroshima and Nagasaki seem to support this claim.

Israel is purported to have a huge inventory of 400 nuclear weapons at their disposal and yet they have never detonated one device in the direction of their Arab neighbors. These are the same Arab neighbors they despise. Are they bluffing?

With so many unstable countries and crazy terrorist groups allegedly in existence, and so many nuclear weapons seemingly at their disposal or available for sale, how is it possible that not one nuclear incident has ever occurred?

What other amazing technology was revealed long ago and has never been used again, although we are constantly reminded of the accomplishment? The moon landings of course; another hoax of epic proportions.

Do the world leaders of certain countries really walk around with nuclear suitcases and corresponding launch codes? Do nuclear weapons actually exist? Probably not.

Before you write all of this off as a crazy conspiracy theory, think for a minute about how much leverage certain countries possess over others because of their claimed nuclear arsenals. What if there are zero nukes in existence in the entire world?

Think of all the military spending that’s taken place with regards to nuclear programs. And don’t forget about all the money that’s been budgeted by countries to protect their infrastructures from incoming nuclear weapons.

Just as the elites have lied about space technology and visiting the moon, there’s a damn good chance they’re lying about the existence of atomic weapons. They have lied about most things people have been taught are real. ( )

11 aprile 2022


Locandina per cellulare.


Un avvenimento epocale si terrà a Gospic & Karlobag in Croazia sabato 2 e domenica 3 luglio 2022.
L’evento durerà due giorni e tra i relatori vi saranno prestigiosi ricercatori di livello internazionale. Si parlerà di terra piatta e Tartaria con esperimenti sul campo e si vedranno in azione dal vivo i macchinari inventati da Nikola Tesla, nel suo villaggio natale, una occasione più unica che rara!
Perché la Croazia? Perché in questa nazione non ci saranno restrizioni pandemiche di sorta.
TERRA PIATTA: IL TOCCO FINALE Il programma dell’evento parla da solo (scarica sotto il programma completo in PDF):

QUOTA DI PARTECIPAZIONE TUTTO COMPRESO (Biglietto per la conferenza, ingresso al museo Tesla, 2 pranzi, cena e pernottamento, prima colazione e pullman per trasferimenti) € 105,00 (per camera singola, supplemento di € 15,00, per altre esigenze, si prega di chiedere)

Venerdì 1 LUGLIO (su richiesta) Chi lo desidera, può arrivare la sera del 1 luglio, entro le ore 21:00. Pernottamento + colazione € 30,00. Con cena in albergo €.45,00. (Confermare in fase di adesione)


Signor Luciano Saurini, tel: +39 338 6637327 (+WhatsApp +Telegram)


Disponibilità posti limitata.

3 aprile 2022

20 Proofs NASA Faked the Moon Landings

Between 1969-1972 NASA, the American National Aeronautics and Space Administration, allegedly flew 6 successful manned missions to the Moon where they did everything from playing golf, to speeding around in a dune buggy, to receiving a live phone call From President Nixon. In reality, when examined in-depth with a critical eye however, these staged events are found to be nothing but a monumental hoax perpetrated upon a gullible and unsuspecting public.

23 febbraio 2022

FLATTEN the CURVE – The Documentary

Check out the new documentary from Vikka Draziv.

5 settembre 2021

The most important documentary on Flat Earth

1 luglio 2021

Reason Behind Mars Mission


That counterfeit origins scenario and the counterfeit god behind it constitute the whole underlying agenda of NASA’s Space Science Enterprise. From its inception, the overriding purpose for the Mars Missions has been made unmistakably plain…as seen in Part I and this more recent quote:

Egypt and Mars terrain“The search for water drives all of NASA’s Mars missions, because water is the key ingredient required for life.”

In short, all of the Mars Missions are specifically designed to “discover” any sign of liquid water or microbial life. Along with universal media compliance and a constantly reinforced bombardment of evolution babble (which the public has been schooled to receive as scientific truth), it is expected that such “discoveries” will then be counted as “proof” that extraterrestrial evolutionism is a scientific fact.

This “fact” will then “confirm” the recent “Paradigm Shift” of the Evolution Establishment. For a century and a half the world has been indoctrinated into the belief that the alleged mechanisms of Darwinism are what started life on Earth. But now–as we saw even devoted evolutionary scientists have abandoned that myth. The new Evolutionary Paradigm…the new myth…of how life on Earth and throughout the universe had its beginnings is now locked into the “Panspermia” concept whereby comets spew out bacteria all over the universe and it evolves into ETs and Klingons and Evolutionary Scientists.

In this effort to establish this crazy Kabbalist Kosmos that is 15 billion years old and 15 billion light years thick and swarming with evolving life, the Mars Missions are critical. Make no mistake: The Mars Missions are meant to make evolutionism the winner in the “creation sweepstakes” and put Bible Creationism (and Bible credibility on through the New Testament of Jesus Christ) out of business.

In addition to all the claims and speculations from the Rovers over the next couple of months, the real wild card in the Kabbalist’s hand will be the return of the thimble full of alleged comet exhaust allegedly captured in the “Stardust” operation before the Rovers ever landed. That alleged exhaust is scheduled for return to Earth in January, 2006. At that time its wispy contents will be examined with great fanfare and appropriately faked trepidation as to whether it contains bacteria or not.

As that scheduled but presently muted drama unfolds, the credibility of the evolutionary “creation story” now resting on acceptance of the new “Panspermia Paradigm” (based on the expulsion of bacteria by comets) will have its chance to claim final victory over Bible Creationism if bacteria is allegedly found on Mars or in that vial of comet exhaust (to be confirmed by a select group of allegedly impartial scientists).

Notwithstanding all this scheming, there is one scientific issue which is guaranteed to stop the tax-funded Kabbalic evolutionary bandwagon in its tracks. That issue is equally guaranteed to establish worldwide an irresistible and irrefutable slam dunk case for Bible inerrancy from Genesis I through Revelation XXII.

That one scientific issue is the leitmotif of this web page, namely, that Copernicanism is the demonstrably factless and vulnerable keystone of all false science and false religion. Once the exposure of Copernicanism’s baselessness is complete, it will quickly become evident that Copernicanism is also the Achilles Heel of all deception which is dependent on the rotating and orbiting Earth concept. Very little mental strain is required to comprehend that the result of the demise of Copernicanism will usher in a separation of the world’s populations into the Satan worshippers and God worshippers plainly described in Rev. 13:2b-7; etc. ( )

24 febbraio 2021

The real story of Capricorn One
A group of three astronauts participate in a government scheme to fake a manned landing on Mars in this conspiracy thriller. Soon, the astronauts discover that they have become expendable, as the government plans to kill them to prevent the truth from being revealed.

(source: )

The true events behind this movie in the Bill Kaysing biography: The whole story of an alternative lifestyle writer.

( )

6 febbraio 2021

The Great Jet Fuel Hoax Airbus A380 Sketchup

The Great Jet Fuel Hoax Airbus A380 Sketchup how to Model truth in travel 911! Jet Plane Fuel Hoax Exposed Over Unity and Free Energy Flat Earth. See The Forest Through The Trees Enslaved By No Media
The Limitless Channel
The Truth About Everything​ Jet Plane Fuel Hoax Exposed! Over Unity and Free Energy Flat Earth. See The Forest Through The Trees JET PLANE FUEL HOAX EXPOSED!

2 gennaio 2021

Oltre ogni ragionevole dubbio

Perché mai la compagnia di bandiera australiana (nel cui logo c’è il canguro) effettua voli all’interno degli USA fra Alaska e costa orientale?

Il video realizzato dall’amico Eddie Alencar illustra senza possibilità di smentita alcuna che la Terra è piatta. In che senso? I voli aerei per il sud degli Stati uniti o per il Messico, provenienti dall’Australia, transitano tutti a nord delle isole Hawaii. La qual cosa sarebbe impossibile, se la Terra fosse una sfera. Se avete sottomano un mappamondo, potete fare la verifica voi stessi. I velivoli diretti in Messico, addirittura, fanno scalo in Canada (Vancouver) cioè molto più a Settentrione di quanto sarebbe se atterrassero direttamente a Città del Messico.
I velivoli dall’Australia provengono sempre da Nord (facendo scalo in Alaska) per raggiungere USA e Messico. Come è possibile se l’Australia sta vicina al polo Sud?

Libri di approfondimento: QUADERNI DALLA TERRA PIATTA

30 dicembre 2020

First Photograph of Earth’s Curvature
First Photograph of Earth’s Curvature.

On Dec. 30, 1930, the first photograph that captured the curvature of the Earth was displayed at a joint session of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The photo was taken by Capt. Albert Stevens of the U.S. Army Air Corps, which later became the U.S. Air Force. Stevens used panchromatic photographic film to record an image of an area larger than some states.

The photo captured the distant horizon over 300 miles ahead as bent slightly downward toward one end. Taking photos from the sky was difficult and, to cut through haze, Stevens employed infrared-sensitive film for long-distance aerial shots where subjects were visually obscured.

In 1932, Stevens took the first photographs of the Moon’s shadow on the Earth during a solar eclipse. In 1934, Stevens and army officers Maj. William Kepner and Capt. Orvil Anderson boarded a specially built balloon to attempt to break the altitude record however the balloon burst but all three men managed to parachute to safety. ( )